The healing properties of basil oil (Ocimum basilicum), have long been known. In the legends and traditions of a number of peoples, basil is mentioned as a symbol of love, immortality and family happiness.
The history of basil dates back to about 5,000 years ago in India, where it was considered a sacred plant. Around the same time, it spread to other Asian countries – Iran, Afghanistan, as well as Egypt, Greece and the Roman Empire. In Greece, basil got its name: “royal herb” (basilikon phyton), since basileus means “ruler”.
Basil wreaths have even been found in the tombs of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. It came to Europe from the countries of the East (16th century) and quickly became a favorite spice. Whatever the history of basil, it cannot leave anyone indifferent, both in our days and in ancient times.
In ancient times, in Italy, basil symbolized love, while the Greeks considered basil to be a symbol of hatred. In Romania, a young man was considered engaged if he received basil from a girl. The famous 1st century Roman author Pliny considered it an aphrodisiac and gave it to horses during mating season.
There was a time when the French called it the lord of spices (l’herbe royale), and in Africa it was believed that basil repels scorpions. In turn, holy basil, also called tulsi, is revered in Hinduism, and in many Orthodox churches it was used to prepare holy water.
In Europe, basil was sometimes placed in the hands of the dead to make the deceased’s future journey safer..
Basil is very susceptible to cold, so it grows best in the wild and is most widely used in the Mediterranean, Australia, Asia and South America. Basil thrives best in hot, dry climates.
The strong pleasant smell of basil is due to the presence of an essential oil of complex composition, which includes linalool, methylsalvicol, eugenol, alpha and beta santhalene, pinene and ocimene. Basil essential oil has a strong, fresh, spicy-sweet aroma with a hint of tarragon.
Basil essential oil Vivasan, is perhaps one of the best tonics for the nervous system. It lifts your spirits, clears your mind, strengthens and restores your nerves, relieves fatigue, anxiety, depression, and headaches.
Basil essential oil Vivasan has antibacterial properties, a local analgesic effect, and relaxes the smooth muscles of the stomach and uterus.
Basil essential oil, is no less effective for diseases of the respiratory system. Helps well with asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, colds and coughs. Research in recent years has revealed that basil has high bactericidal activity against fungi and microorganisms, mycoplasma pneumoniae, FH and L forms of streptococcus.
In terms of antibacterial activity, it ranks second after monarda oil. In combination with antibiotics, it increases their effectiveness 10 times, which makes it possible to reduce the dose of the latter.
Under the influence of basil essential oil, the severity of delayed-type allergic reactions decreases and airway patency improves in patients with obstructive bronchitis. Rejuvenates cells, being a powerful antioxidant.
It is used for spasms of the stomach and intestines, difficulty in digestion, whooping cough, gout, for loss of smell due to chronic runny nose, for arthritis as an anti-inflammatory agent, as an analgesic, for otitis media, toothache.