
Made in Switzerland

An excellent antidepressant with a pronounced antiseptic, antispasmodic and tonic effect. Relieves stress and anxiety, normalizes sleep, improves mood and vitality, and restores strength. Has whitening properties.

100% sweet Brazilian orange essential oil.


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Main properties of orange oil:
– Antiseptic, bactericidal, disinfectant
– Antipyretic, antispasmodic
– Calming, anti-stress, antidepressant
– Cholagogue, blood-purifying, immune-stimulating
– Anti-cellulite, hypotensive
– Whitening, moisturizing


Indications for the use of orange oil:
– Nervous tension, feelings of anxiety, fear, stress, depression
– Attention deficit, insomnia, hypertension
– Cold, flu, and bronchitis
– Inflammatory skin conditions, acne
– Stomatitis, periodontal disease
– Circulatory disorders
– Obesity, edema, cellulite
– Digestive disorders, constipation, dyspepsia
– Room air freshening


Citrus, Fresh


100% natural orange essential oil

Brazilian Orange Essential Oil by Vivasan – “OIL OF JOY” – is an excellent antiseptic with a strong calming effect.

It helps with insomnia, depression, and stress. Reduces blood pressure, increases attention. Cleanses the blood, normalizes the functioning of the intestines, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, prevents the formation of gallstones, and helps eliminate cellulite.

Improves complexion, effective for dry skin. Disinfects the oral cavity.

The orange tree – the descendant of “noble blood” from the East. Its essential oil is safe; with a sweet fruity aroma carrying a particle of light and warmth.

Since ancient times, oranges have been associated with generosity and fertility. Chinese healers used dried orange peels to treat nervous anorexia, colds, coughs, and breast cancer.

Orange blossom flowers were distilled to produce orange blossom water, which was recommended as a diaphoretic and hemostatic agent.

The Romans used orange blossom water to treat hangovers and indigestion. In Europe, it was not used until the end of the 17th century because it was rare and prohibitively expensive.

Today, orange oil is one of the most popular essential oils in the world. It is included in the British Pharmacopoeia and widely used in cooking, cosmetics, and medicine.

The quality of orange essential oil depends heavily on the extraction method and technologies. The highest quality oil is obtained by pressing the peel with the separated pulp. The oil contains about 500 components.

Orange Essential Oil (Citrus sinesis L. Osbeck), along with the typical antiseptic action of citrus oils, has a strong calming effect. Recommended for depression, fear, and nervous tension.

Orange oil has a spasmolytic and calming effect, lowers blood pressure, eliminates psychoemotional excitement.

The use of orange oil in an aroma lamp has a positive effect on the nervous system of children. It helps to concentrate, increases efficiency, and attention span.

Aromatic baths with orange oil are effective against insomnia (can be used in combination with lavender oil), nervous excitement, and cellulite.

When used internally, orange oil stimulates the elimination of harmful substances from the body, normalizes the functioning of the intestines and carbohydrate-fat metabolism, has a choleretic effect, prevents the formation of gallstones, cleanses the blood, and also helps to reduce weight and decrease cellulite.

Vivasan Orange Oil effectively cleanses the skin, lightens pigmentation spots, promotes cell renewal, and improves complexion. For this purpose, orange oil is added to cosmetic creams, balms, lotions, etc. Orange oil is of the top note.


Citrus, Fresh


Uses of orange oil:
– Aroma lamp: 3-5 drops (for colds, stress, insomnia, hypertension, to increase concentration)
– Aromatic baths: 5 drops or mixed with other essential oils (for weight loss, cellulite, against insomnia)
– Massage: 5 drops per 10 ml massage oil (for cellulite)
– Rubbing: 7-8 drops per 10 g of base (for joint pain, myositis, neuralgia)
– Gargle: 2-3 drops per glass of water (for sore throat, periodontal disease, stomatitis)
– Enrichment of shampoos: 5 drops of oil per 10 g of base (for dandruff, dry hair)
– Enrichment of creams: 10 g cream + 3 tbsp orange oil (for aging skin care, stimulates skin regeneration processes, cleanses, whitens, moisturizes the skin, and also for a quick and beautiful tan)
– Internal use (only after consulting a doctor): 1 drop per glass of tea or juice 2 times a day (lowers blood pressure, effective for insomnia, diseases of the stomach, liver and biliary tract, stimulates metabolism)


The orange aroma is a favorite for all generations. At any age, it embodies fairy tales and wish fulfillment. Its calming and uplifting energy makes it the best way to scent the home, especially children’s rooms.

FOR AROMATIC STEAMING – use in combination with other essential oils, then the magical aroma will linger longer in your home.

Perhaps few people know that orange essential oil is also a favorite for “home shine and crystal purity.” It has great merit in household management and is successfully used:

FOR POLISHING FURNITURE – add 15 drops to 50 ml of jojoba oil. Orange essential oil, use as directed.

TO REMOVE STAINS (for example, juice) FROM THE WORKING SURFACE OF AN ARTIFICIAL STONE TABLETOP – for this purpose, drop undiluted essential oil onto the stain, leave for 1-2 minutes, and rub thoroughly with a sponge.


Citrus, Fresh

Oil energy

The energy of the oil:

enhances optimism, faith in one’s abilities, and charm. Restores the aura after a severe illness and emotional stress. Recommended for those in need of compassion and emotional warmth.


Citrus, Fresh


Botanical name: Citrus sinensis.

Composition: 100% sweet Brazilian orange essential oil.

Extraction method: Steam distillation of fresh fruit peel.

Amount of plant material: 200-300 kg of peel = 1 liter of essential oil.

Average density at 20°C: 0.845 g/cm3

Main active substance: 92-97% limonene, aldehydes, citral, citronellol, geraniol, linalool, anthranilic acid, nonyl alcohol, and terpineol.

Characteristics of the essential oil: liquid, orange-colored, sparkling, with a fresh fruity and life-affirming aroma.

Oils for blends: virtually all.

Note: Top.


Citrus, Fresh

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