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It has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional sphere: it eliminates anxiety while simultaneously uplifting mood and increasing productivity. It possesses strongly pronounced analgesic properties. In everyday life, it protects against harmful insects. It blends well with tea tree oil and basil oil.

100% Egyptian geranium essential oil.

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Main properties of geranium oil:
– Anti-inflammatory, healing, bactericidal
– Improves tone of cerebral vessels, relieves spasms
– Stimulates the pancreas and liver
– Increases mental and physical activity
– Lowers blood sugar levels, balances hormone levels
– Prevents the growth of cancer cells
– Eliminates rashes and flaking of dry skin
– Antifungal and antiparasitic

Indications for use of geranium oil:
– Dermatoses, dry eczema, lice, fungal skin diseases
– Tonsillitis, otitis, sinusitis, stomatitis, diabetes, cellulite
– Asthenia, neurasthenia, neuroses, migraine
– Urolithiasis, hypertension
– Neuritis, neuralgia, radicular syndrome, cancer
– Burns, smoothes wrinkles and evens out skin color
– Overwork, nervous exhaustion, depression

Contraindications: Do not use in the first 5 months of pregnancy. Stimulates estrogen, do not use simultaneously with birth control pills. For children, use only diluted. Contraindicated for children under 6 years old.


Think bright pelargoniums (geraniums) on the windows of European cities for beauty?

You’re mistaken.

It has long been believed that geranium not only repels annoying summer insects (flies, mosquitoes, moths) but also evil spirits, protects the inhabitants of the house, and purifies the air inside.

And it’s not for nothing!

The properties of geraniums are remarkable, and all of them are concentrated in the natural essential oil of Egyptian geranium by VIVASAN.

For its powerful anti-inflammatory action, this oil is called “ear-nose-throat”; it helps relieve symptoms of ear inflammation and sore throat.

The healing properties of geranium have been known since ancient times. Geranium was planted around one’s dwelling to ward off evil spirits and negative energy.

In France, in ancient times, a geranium flower was pinned to the chest of a young girl as a wish for a happy female fate.

In Tibetan medicine, it is used to treat eye diseases, including cataracts.

Egyptian geranium oil is very popular in the East and is in high demand due to its wide range of effects on the body.

Essential oil of Egyptian Geranium Vivasan has a fresh, rich, warm, and mood-lifting floral-pink aroma.

It contains quite a large number of active components that determine various effects of its action – geraniol, citronellol, menthol, citral, geranyl tiglate, and others.

By acting on the nervous system, it eliminates anxiety and depression, uplifts mood. Stimulates nervous and mental activity: increases performance, attention.

The aroma of geranium soothes children, makes them less capricious and aggressive. In case of hormonal imbalances, it leads to hormone balance, which positively affects the course of menopause, PMS.

The action of this oil is beneficial for various gynecological diseases. It prevents fluid retention in the body, is useful for migraines, painful menstruation, hypertensive crises, edema, and puffiness.

Thanks to its ability to stimulate lymphatic circulation and toxin elimination, geranium oil is helpful for cellulite. Additionally, it helps fight infection, especially respiratory tract organs.

Geranium oil Vivasan is applicable for controlling skin infections, including herpes.

It is effective in varicose veins and hemorrhoids – it contributes to the relief of inflammatory, edematous, spasmodic, and painful syndromes.

Relieves pain in arthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia.

Lowers blood sugar levels, prevents the growth of cancer cells, relieves spasms of cerebral vessels, improving their tone, stimulates the functions of the liver and pancreas, possesses antifungal and antiparasitic effects.

Geranium essential oil is indispensable for depression and 26 nervous and emotional disorders. It helps with circulatory disorders, skin diseases, wound healing.

It is added to foot baths for frostbite. It has a calming, healing, and purifying effect. Regulates the body’s protective forces. Stimulates hair growth, prevents hair loss, normalizes the work of sebaceous glands, improves the balance of the scalp, prevents dandruff.

Relieves pain in arthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia.

Lowers blood sugar levels, prevents the growth of cancer cells, relieves spasms of cerebral vessels, improving their tone, stimulates the functions of the liver and pancreas, possesses antifungal and antiparasitic effects.


Methods of application of geranium oil:
• Aroma lamp: 2 drops per 5 square meters of room area
• Massage: 5 drops per 10 ml of massage oil
• Hot inhalations: 1-2 drops, procedure duration 4-5 minutes
• Warm inhalations: 3-5 drops, procedure duration 3-5 minutes
• Reflex massage: mix essential and carrier oil in a 1:1 ratio
• Hot and cold compresses: 3-5 drops
• Enrichment of cosmetic products: 4-5 drops per 5 g of base
• Headache: apply a mixture of geranium oil and carrier oil in a 1:3 ratio to the forehead, temples, occipital region, palms, and soles of the feet
• Otitis: insert a tampon soaked in a mixture of carrier oil and geranium oil in a 1:2 ratio into the outer ear canal
• Applications to the gums: apply a mixture of geranium and vegetable oil in a 1:4 ratio to the gums using a tampon
• For minor burns and initial herpes symptoms, apply pure oil to the affected area.

Oil energy

The energy of the oil:

predisposes to tenderness. It helps to replenish energy losses for those who have suffered from romantic rivalry. Eliminates feelings of inadequacy and dependence on others’ opinions.


Botanical name: Pelargonium graveolens.

Family: Geranium (Geraniaceae).

Composition: 100% Egyptian geranium essential oil.

Botany: A bushy herbaceous plant growing up to 80 cm tall with small, delicate flowers of various shades of pink.

Distribution: Egypt, Algeria, Madagascar, Reunion Island.

Extraction of essential oil: steam distillation of fresh leaves and greenery.

Amount of plant material: 300-500 kg of leaves = 1 liter of essential oil.

Main active ingredient: up to 80% geraniol, borneol, citronellol, linalool, terpineol, ether, ketones, phenols, eugenol, fellandrene, pinene.

Characteristics of the essential oil: from yellowish to greenish color, floral aroma with green and warm balsamic, rose-like notes: a very complex oil containing more than 200 components.

Oils for blends: virtually all.

Note: middle.

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