Fennel, also known as sweet dill, has been known since ancient times. Fennel is native to Southern Europe, the Mediterranean region and Asia Minor. Even the ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Indians and Chinese used it as a spice and medicine.
It came to Central Europe in the Middle Ages. It is believed to prolong life, increase strength and ward off negative energy.
Sebastian Kneipp praised the effect of fennel tea on coughs, lung diseases and as an antispasmodic for whooping cough and asthma. Fennel tea is especially noted as a remedy for headaches associated with poor digestion.
The energy of the oil helps to quickly get rid of misconceptions, erroneous assessments and unfair conclusions. Helps to calmly and soberly face the truth, protects the aura from injury. Opens chakras for renewal.
The essential oil FENNEL VIVASAN perfectly cleanses the body and removes waste and toxins, especially for those who are addicted to rich food and alcohol.
The action of fennel is associated with the constituents of its essential oil: anethole, pinene, phellandrene, camphene, fenchol, and limon. The oil has a slightly spicy, sweetish, anise-like aroma.
Has a diuretic and mild laxative effect. By affecting the digestive system, it eliminates constipation, flatulence, and nausea. Used for kidney stones, cellulite, edema.
Affects the hormonal system of women and is used for menopausal problems. During menopause, fennel oil is very effective as it stimulates the production of your own estrogen.
Helps increase lactation.
Along with this, fennel has high antifungal activity. When sanitizing premises, it reduces the content of fungi in the atmosphere by 4-5 times. Effects on common flora at a dose of 250 mcg/ml.
Fennel is an active antioxidant and has expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. Its action is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure, relief of arrhythmias, improvement of cardiac conduction, and a reduction in the frequency and strength of hypertensive reactions.
Fennel oil has a hepatoprotective effect, protecting against toxic liver damage. Increases appetite, secretion of digestive and bronchial glands. Has a beneficial effect on the skin. A mild sexual stimulant. Base note essential oil.