
Made in Switzerland

It has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional sphere: it eliminates anxiety while simultaneously uplifting mood and increasing productivity. It possesses strongly pronounced analgesic properties. In everyday life, it protects against harmful insects. It blends well with tea tree oil and basil oil.

100% Egyptian geranium essential oil.

Disponibilità: 5 disponibili

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Main properties of geranium oil:
– Anti-inflammatory, healing, bactericidal
– Improves tone of cerebral vessels, relieves spasms
– Stimulates the pancreas and liver
– Increases mental and physical activity
– Lowers blood sugar levels, balances hormone levels
– Prevents the growth of cancer cells
– Eliminates rashes and flaking of dry skin
– Antifungal and antiparasitic

Indications for use of geranium oil:
– Dermatoses, dry eczema, lice, fungal skin diseases
– Tonsillitis, otitis, sinusitis, stomatitis, diabetes, cellulite
– Asthenia, neurasthenia, neuroses, migraine
– Urolithiasis, hypertension
– Neuritis, neuralgia, radicular syndrome, cancer
– Burns, smoothes wrinkles and evens out skin color
– Overwork, nervous exhaustion, depression

Contraindications: Do not use in the first 5 months of pregnancy. Stimulates estrogen, do not use simultaneously with birth control pills. For children, use only diluted. Contraindicated for children under 6 years old.

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