
Made in Switzerland

Thanks to its unique properties, it is the most popular oil. Its antiviral and antibacterial activity helps to cope with respiratory and viral diseases. Tones the circulatory system, enhancing blood flow. Eliminates vascular patterns, softens, whitens, and rejuvenates the skin. Normalizes the psycho-emotional state. Deodorizes the air indoors.

100% Natural Lemon Messina Essential Oil

Availability: 10 in stock

Main properties of lemon essential oil:
– Antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic, bactericidal
– Immune-boosting, anti-anemic
– Analgesic, pain-relieving, toning, focusing
– Whitening, anti-cellulite, detoxifying, disinfecting
– Normalizing blood pressure, anti-atherosclerotic
– Cardiotonic, antispasmodic, anti-rheumatic
– Detoxifying, cholagogue, diuretic, anti-edematous
– Anti-varicose, anti-hemorrhoidal, anti-cellulite


Indications for the use of lemon essential oil:
– Vegetative-vascular dystonia, weakened immunity
– Influenza, herpes, chickenpox, viral hepatitis, measles, mumps
– Insomnia, headache, nausea, dizziness, fatigue
– Rheumatism, arthritis, stomatitis, periodontitis, food poisoning
– Gallstones and kidney stones, edema
– Vessel wall sclerosis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, rashes, acne, boils, lichen, warts, eczema, cracks
– Pigment spots, freckles, vascular pattern
– Metabolic disorders, obesity, cellulite
– Dandruff, brittle nails and hair, hair lightening
– Normalization of blood formula, liver, and pancreatic function


Contraindications: Do not use during chemotherapy! Do not apply to the skin immediately before sun exposure.


Citrus, Fresh


100% Natural Lemon Messina Essential Oil

Lemon (Citrus Limon L) has been widely used in ancient and medieval medicine. Ancient Egyptians used lemon to neutralize poisoned food and during typhoid epidemics.

In Europe, lemon fruits were only imported during the Middle Ages. Europeans used it for plague prevention, malaria, fever, and as an antidote for snakebites.

Herbalists recommended lemon juice for lowering blood pressure, detoxifying the liver, and relieving pain in arthritis. Avicenna wrote about lemon as the best remedy for heart diseases and recommended its consumption for pregnant women and jaundice.

English sailors carried lemons on their voyages to prevent scurvy. In the late 17th century, the medicinal properties of lemon were recognized, which led to its widespread use in modern medicine.

It’s no coincidence that Lemon Messina Essential Oil is one of the most beloved products of Vivasan customers.

Lemon essential oil, thanks to its properties (strengthening the immune system, stimulating the production of erythrocytes and leukocytes), is used to treat diseases associated with weakened immunity (bronchitis, flu, colds, etc.).

Having a wide range of effects on the body, like all Vivasan products, Lemon Oil is, first of all, an effective remedy against vegetative-vascular dystonia.

It normalizes blood pressure, reduces cholesterol and prothrombin levels in the blood, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and its complications, therefore, it is recommended for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Lemon oil is particularly effective in viral diseases such as hepatitis, herpes, respiratory viral infections, etc., as it has pronounced antiviral activity.

Since ancient times, lemon oil has been recommended for gastrointestinal diseases, food poisoning, and detoxification. It contributes to the dissolution of some types of gallstones and kidney stones.

Additionally, lemon oil helps with headaches, nausea, dizziness caused by spasms of the blood vessels of the brain and fatigue.

It improves concentration and memory.

Hand baths with lemon oil effectively strengthen and whiten nails.

Cleaning teeth with lemon oil is beneficial: it reduces gum bleeding, whitens tooth enamel, prevents the development of caries, and refreshes the mouth. Top note oil.


Citrus, Fresh


Uses of Vivasan Lemon Messina Essential Oil:

– Aroma lamp: 3-5 drops (for hypertension, insomnia, fatigue, colds, neutralizes tobacco smoke)
– Aromatic baths: 5-7 drops (for colds, rheumatism, cellulite, helps eliminate toxins, weight loss)
– Massage and rubbing: 5-10 drops per 10g massage oil (muscle pain, rheumatism, varicose veins)
– Compress: 7-10 drops + 150ml water (varicose veins, herpes, nosebleeds)
– Inhalations: 2-3 drops in 200ml water, duration 5-7 minutes (colds)
– Enrichment of cosmetic products: 5 drops + 5g base (acne, pigmentation spots, teeth whitening)
– Mouthwash: 2-3 drops in a glass of water (tonsillitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis)
– Internal use (only after consulting a doctor): 1 drop, 2 times a day with tea or juice (cholelithiasis, urolithiasis, headache, atherosclerosis, hypertension, weight loss, food poisoning, etc.)

In cosmetics: Adding lemon oil to cosmetic creams, massage or vegetable oil heals problem skin, whitens pigmentation spots, improves complexion, and eliminates the vascular pattern.


Citrus, Fresh

Oil energy

The energy of lemon oil:

Lemon oil allows for quick and painless adaptation to new life conditions, new people, enhances vitality, and encourages creative action in work and family. It helps overcome difficult situations.


Citrus, Fresh


Botanical name: Citrus Limon L.

Composition: 100% essential oil of Italian Messina lemon.

Extraction method: Steam distillation of fresh lemon peel.

Amount of plant material: 200 kg of peel -> 1 liter of essential oil.

Average density at 20°C: 0.845 g/cm³.

Amount of plant material per 1 drop: 7 g.

Main active substances: 90-95% limonene, citral, coumarins (bergamottin and limettin), flavonoids (diosmin and limocitrin).

Characteristics of the essential oil: Light-yellow color, sparkling, with a fresh, fruity, citrusy aroma.

Oils for blends: all Vivasan oils, citrus oils, tea tree, rosemary, fennel, cumin.

Note: Yellow, top.


Citrus, Fresh

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